Basic problems on Triangle-RRB

What is Triangle

triangle is a closed curve which is formed by 3 line segments. The line segments by which the triangle is formed are called sides of the triangle. So, in a triangle, there are 3 sides, 3 vertices and 3 angles.

Image result for a triangle with angles vertices and side

Here is a triangle name Δ ABC where sides are AB, BA and CA. Vertices are A, B and C. Angles are ∠CAB, ∠CBA and ∠ACB


There is some terminology associated with the triangles.

Base: Its is the bottom side of the triangle.

Base angles: Two angles which touch the base.

Vertex of the triangle: The angle which is opposite to the base

Legs: The two sides which are not bases.


The triangles are classified based on sides and angles.

Based on sides, the triangles are classified as follows.

a) Equilateral triangle:

An equilateral triangle in which all three sides (angles) are equal.

Image result for Equilateral triangle

b) Isosceles triangle:

An isosecles triangle in which any two sides (angles) are equal.

Image result for Isosceles triangle

c) Scalene triangle:

A triangle in which no two sides (angles) are equal.

Image result for Scalene triangle

Based on the angles the triangles are classified as follows.

a) Acute angled triangle:

Any triangle in which all the angles are less than 900 .

An acute triangle is a triangle with all three angles acute (less than 90°). An obtuse triangle is one with one obtuse angle (greater than 90°) and two acute angles. Since a triangle’s angles must sum to 180°, no triangle can have more than one obtuse angle.

Image result for Acute angled triangle

b) Obtuse angled triangle:

Any triangle with one of the angles greater than 90° . An obtuse triangle is one with one obtuse angle (greater than 90°) and two acute angles. Since a triangle’s angles must sum to 180°, no triangle can have more than one obtuse angle.

Image result for Obtuse angled triangle

c) Right angled triangle:

A triangle in which one of the angles is equal to 90° .

A right triangle or right-angled triangle is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle (that is, a 90-degree angle). The relation between the sides and angles of a right triangle is the basis for trigonometry.

Image result for Right angled triangle

Question – 1:

Triangle ABC, shown below, has an area of 15 mm 2. Side AC has a length of 6 mm and side AB has a length of 8 mm and angle BAC is obtuse. Find angle BAC to the and find length of side BC.

triangle inscribed in square


Let the size of angle BAC = t. One of the many formulas for the area triangle is.

area = 15 = (1/2) (AC)(AB) sin(t)

Solve for sin(t) to obtain.

sin(t) = 30 / (8*6) = 0.625

solution that gives t obtuse

t = Pi – arcsin(0.625)

Convert t to degrees to obtain

t (approximately) = 141.3 o

We now use the cosine rule to calculate the length of side BC

BC 2 = AB 2 + AC 2 – 2(AB)(AC)cos(t)

= 64 + 36 – 2(8)(6)cos(141.3 o)

BC = 13.23 mm.

Question – 2: 

An isosceles triangle has angle A 30 degrees greater than angle B. Find all angles of the triangle.

Solution :

An isosceles triangle has two angles equal in size. In this problem A is greater than B therefore angles B and C are equal in size. Since angle A is 30 greater than angle B then A = B + 30 o. The sum of all angles in a triangle is equal to 180 o.

(B+30) + B + B = 180

Solve the above equation for B.

B = 50 o

The sizes of the three angles are

A = B + 30 = 80 o

C = B = 50 o

Question – 3: 

Triangle ABC shown below is inscribed inside a square of side 20 cm. Find the area of the triangle

triangle inscribed in square

Solution :

The area is given by

area of triangle = (1/2) base * height

= (1/2)(20)(20) = 200 cm 2

Question – 4: 

Find the area of an equilateral triangle that has sides equal to 10 cm.


Let A,B and C be the vertices of the equilateral triangle and M the midpoint of segment BC. Since the triangle is equilateral, AMC is a right triangle. Let us find h the height of the triangle using Pythagorean theorem.

triangle inscribed in square

h 2 + 5 2 = 10 2

Solve the above equation for h.

h = 5 sqrt(3) cm
We now find the area using the formula.

area = (1/2)* base * height = (1/2)(10)(5 sqrt(3))

= 25 sqrt(3) cm 2 = 43.3 cm 2

Question – 5: 

The right triangle shown below has an area of 25. Find its hypotenuse.

right triangle problem 1


Since the x coordinates of points A and B are equal, segment AB is parallel to the y axis. Since BC is perpendicular to AB then BC is parallel to the x axis and therefore y, the y coordinate of point C is equal to 3. We now need to find the x coordinate x of point C using the area as follows

area = 25 = (1/2) d(A,B) * d(B,C)

d(A,B) = 5

d(B,C) = |x – 2|

We now substitute d(A,B) and d(B,C) in the area formula above to obtain.

25 = (1/2) (5) |x – 2|

We solve the above as follows

|x – 2| = 10

x = 12 and x = – 8

We select x = 12 since point C is to the left of point B and therefore its x coordinate is greater than 2.

We have the coordinates of point A and C and we can find the hypotenuse using the distance formula.

hypotenuse = d(A,C) = sqrt[ (12 – 2) 2 + (3 – 8) 2 ]

= sqrt(125) = 5 sqrt(5)